Monday, 2 May 2016

Unilize Test Result #1

Unilize Test Result

As a sales person of a products, first we need to convince our-self before convince our client about the performance of the products. It's embarrassing to tell that most of the promoter in the world they dun even know what are they selling! They just simple read the user manual and the sharing from the supplier than waolah~ he already can sell the products like a pro!

Well, i hope i can be that easy go lucky guy but, a 14days anti-bacterial coating? Nah !
This is related to people healthy and maybe even our life! it's really irresponsible if we sell something we dun even use for our-self. Less effective is not the worst, the worst part is how if there is some skin irritative or even biological sensitive?

Talk no more, Lets us see the result:

This time, we are using NEOGEN AccuPoint as the ATP testing device (European Device)

*Each reading consume one swipe, it's dam costly.

The result is quite obvious and you can easily identified even without explain.Well, i will explain anyway.

from the top right you can see the testing date carried out. Red & Green color digit is the display of the hygiene cleanliness level.

Ok, First reading 27479, it's dam high, but it's so true, it's the reading taken on the handing wheel after a sneezing (well, maybe contain some of my saliva too). than the 152 is the wheel after clean and sprayed with "Unilize".

The effect is continues up to 20 April (14th days), the reading actually goes up and down inconsistently, but it's so obvious that the effect decreased on 22 April, which mean on 16th days.

The ready afterward become higher and higher and sustain on around 3000, it's a level that not too harmful but will easily cause you sneezing or headache, with another sneezing, the cycle of the bacteria, coming back!

*The tested handing wheel is placed on a wide open air in door with no direct sun light contact, no finger touched and only contact with the device swipe stick.