Tuesday, 26 December 2017

How to take care a ceramic coated car ?

Guide on how to care a ceramic coated car ?

Before we go into the detail, allow me to answer some overwhelming questions we received so far:-

Do we still need to wash a ceramic coated car?
Technically, a ceramic coating is a glass protection on the car painted surface and it is body armour to your expensive car paint. On your daily drive, contaminations will surely adhered to on the ceramic coating and if you leave it long enough unattended, it will definitely further deteriorate the performance of a ceramic coating. So, it is strongly advisable to wash the car to prolong the life span of the ceramic coating.

You will need to at least wash the car once a month although it is still visibly clean. This is because there will be watermark problems if you leave the stains over a long period of time.

Can i wash a ceramic coated car at an automatic car wash centre?   
Many have claimed that their coatings are 9H and some even 12H, why aren’t we still able to wash our coated car at an automated car wash. Are the coated cars not able to withstand these abrasions from the machines?

Ceramic coatings are not scratchproof and this is a major misconception of the public. A ceramic coating car able to resist minor scratches and stone chips while driving. And at the automated car wash centre, a continuously washing with high waterjet pressure at the same spot will create a noticeable swirl marks.

Of course when she dirty!
but but but even she is still pretty in your eye (blinded love), if the car daily drove, the car is still needed to wash at least once a month, there may having some particles and grease attached which hardly notice by our-self. This is why watermark appear if the stain leave over a long period.

OK, lets go into our topic of the day:

How to wash a ceramic coated car?
Firstly, do not wash outdoor under the scorching hot sun. Indoor cleaning is highly recommended and last but not least a sufficient water supply.

1. Water jet the whole car
-jet away the major mud, stain and debris off the car

2. Spray the BubbleMax Shampoo with foam spray gun
-make sure the entire car is covered with bubble and lubricant the surface

3. Use a soft newly washed microfiber cloth to clean the surface
-in this stage, prepare 2 pails of water, one pail is to wash the cloth after you clean the car to wash away sand and dirt on the cloth. Another pail is for the shampoo, this is to lubricate back the cloth.

-clean the car in the same horizontal or vertical direction (you do not want to create swirl mark by using the circular motion)

-Caution: Do not use the cloth again if you dropped the cloth accidentally to the ground.

-Always clean from top portion first then to the bottom portion of the car as the bottom part of the car contains more dirt. You may drag the contaminants to the top portion of the car.

-Use a different microfiber cloth to clean the rims.

-Do not let the foam dry on the surface before water jet.

4. Water jet the car and rinse of the foam
-Especially the front grill & cowl panel, left over foam may create stains.

5. Drying the surface
-Air blower can help you save a lot of time and effort in the drying process. Else, you can opt to use a dry soft cloth use to float pass the car surface without putting pressure on it. Since it's coated, water should be very easy absorbed into the cloth without any pressure.

6. Surface protection touch-up
-Recommended by using the
TEVO UniGard-i01 by just spraying on the microfiber cloth, and then mop to apply on the entire car exterior surface, including the windscreen, car body paint, plastic parts and etc.

How to wash off those stubborn physical stains?

Bird drop, bug stain, tree sap, oily finger print and etc. are the most common dirt problems encountered by car owners.

Well, make it a good habit by washing your car regularly, if you leave the stain for too long, even a perfect ceramic coated car will having the mark which may start damaging your coating over a period of time. So it is highly recommend you to wash away that dirt ASAP.

You must first use water to wet the area, and than using shampoo to lubricant the surface then only wipe off those stain.

The physical stain may scratch the surface if you using the same side of the cloth, try to use another side or another cloth to clean the remaining area. Best way is just using tissue and after wipe off the dirt you can just throw away the tissue and use another new piece to wipe clean the lubricant.

Tevo Multipurpose waterless cleaner- UniClean
Highly recommend every owner get one and keep in your car. It can be your instant cleaner for either exterior and interior of the car, and it difference with normal shampoo, you do not need to worried too much of foaming or oily lubricant leave over the surface. With use a single wipe, you can found it immediate clean and leave no wet behind. GOOD , NICE & GREAT !

This product is cheap, very convenience and easy to use.
It can clean oil stain, mud stain, slight watermark, tree sap and it comes with a fragrance too.

Here some honorable mention:
BubbleMax Shampoo
UniGard i01

Ok, now you at least to know how to treat your beloved car, every small mistake will lead to future unnecessary surface damage. Well, happy ride Guys!

Here some eye refreshing remedy after seeing dirt and stain:

Wash your car like a real man now!

Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Myth of the Coating Hardness

Myth of the Hardest Coating 12H ?!

There are a lot of rumor has it when you come across with car detailing service, when promoter offering you the package of the car coating. No matter it is Titanium Coat, Ultimate Coat or Superman Coat, you will always been educated with Hardness Level of the solutions they use. So, how to justify the hardness? most of them claim they are 9H, some of them even claim they are 12H ?! is that the higher the better?

First, we need to know what is this H mean, this is a measurement unit for the lab (commonly reference to ISO 15184:2012) to use as the Pencil Hardness Test on the subject. and below is a report from SGS (world's leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company) :

As you can see from the report, the test result is written:
No marking with 9H pencil (Tested subject coated with Tevo BodyGard)

Why the result is not straight forward as 9H ? and it no mark even on 9H, is that mean the hardness is actually beyond 9H ? Base on the SGS expertise explanations, the test is only able to carry out only maximum 9H pencil test, and anything beyond that is out of measurable range. Now here the questions....
Where did the 12H come from ?????? 

Lets go on with the deeper discussion:

The picture beside is the material hardness chart widely used as the comparison between coating. Most of them claim they are 9H which is almost at the par of diamond hardness. Public using this cart for public understanding about hardness easily and can be visualize.
If you want to study more on Hardness, there is more you need to know other than just surface hardness, because there is some hardness also refer to material hardness, which measurable by using:
Vicker Hardness Test [HV] - Pyramidal diamond indenter
Rockwell Scale [HR] - Depth penetration indenter

HV measurement is the most common and widely used to measure material hardness, not just surface hardness. And for your information, diamond consider 10000 HV and carbon steel is 120 HV. These are the real and practical hardness measurement unit which can be and widely use in physics calculations method.

In the nutshell, Mohs Hardness Scale is only for market evaluations reference, do not mean that 9H surface coating is as hard as corundum or diamond.

*Recall: even Mohs do not have scale for hardness above 10H

So, is that greater the hardness is better ? 

The answer is Yes, but no.
Yes, is mean with higher hardness, higher the scratch resistant, and it also somehow prolong the durability of your coating performance. higher sustainability on abrasion and the weathering issue.
Since there is so much benefit, than why no?
No, there is only one single cause, the coating base is not strong enough to support the hardness of the coating. It can be stimulate with your imagination with 2 scenario:

1. a super hard & thin layer of glass on a soft sponge, 
and compare to
2. a super hard & thin layer of glass on a metal plate,  

when both glass contact with impact , BOOM ! you can easily guess the first glass will be crack and turn into piece, and the second glass maybe still in one piece. This theory is totally same goes to car coating. Is your car lacquer is strong enough to be the base?

As you can study through Tevo or any other branded solutions provider, they are always differentiate the solutions for difference hardness/type of surface. Usually plastic as the softer flexible coating, and the metal/rim can be coat with the highest hardness coating. Last but no less, the car body coat, the expert will use only the coating hardness between 6-9H, which higher than car lacquer layer is good enough.

Erm, is that 9H consider scratch proof ? 

There is NO such thing as scratch proof, at least not by a single layer of thin glass coating.
Honest detailer only claim the coating can improve the scratch resistant level, even bulletproof layer can be scratch. There is a lot of marketing gimmick hitting the coated surface with "something" which is not very sharp or hard, and this actually can be done even without coat, as long as the impact is no go over deep on the surface, any mark from the impact can be easily wipe off with cloth.

Ok, do hardness really matter ? 

This is really a sensitive questions, for man, the priority is still the appearance, right? LOL
In the real case, car is mean to daily drive usage, with certain hardness is good for some damage prevention as you can see from the picture above. But how you justify the hardness is there?
The hardness is really hard to justify between each brand, as long as they do have certifications, i think that is all you can assure. Scratch warren-tee is a bonus add on for the package selections.

Last but no least,

The thickness is another contrast when comparing about hardness:

The thicker the coat, the higher the resistant can be provide, this is a basic knowledge of the physic, if you hardness is only minor difference between each one. So why don't we take a look at the other angle, thicker is for sure giving the better protection when come across with the physical damage/scratch.

And from the picture, which retrieve from a japanese expert detailer 東京都板橋区のCAR POLISH AUTHORITY (カーポリッシュ オーソリティ) tested with Tevo BodyGard S36 & S60, found the solid contain is actually higher than Brand A & B which is from some well known branded products. From the test result we found that the solid contain is up to 4 times more! which mean when it is coated and let dry/cure on the surface, it will be 4 times thicker than other brand too!

So, you know what you should choose now?

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

TEVO "UniGard-i01"

Instant Hydrophobic Coating "UniGard-i01"

1 Month Instant Hydrophobic Coating

We do understand that modern lifestyle can be incredibly busy and driving your car to a car wash center is something that not everyone able to do. Furthermore, some people do not have sufficient budget to get the car coated; therefore it lead to car paint lack of glossiness, lack of UV protect, and insufficient of technical skill to keep the car to look good all the time.

If that is you, you should take a good look a the product which the car detailer is using. You are able D.I.Y. this product at home, and it still provide the same quality of outcome you would get by driving your car to a detailing centre and get the coating installed by an expert. This saves you the petrol and time of getting your car to a detailing shop and you still need to pay the car detailer while you can do it on your own!

NOW! UniGard i01 is designed to resolve all these issues!

What is UniGard i01?

Are you interested to try out our new UniGard i01 the instant hydrophobic coating? We launched a new water based product with hydrophobic and smooth finishing effect. Wow, even I did not expect the sales volume we recently achieved with some advancement in our new TEVO instant functioning water coating. An invisible soft coat can be done by just spraying on the surface, wait for 10 seconds, and rinse off with water.

Why you need UniGard i01?

It is specifically formulated for commoners, who wishes to get the car coated by their own hand and typically in economic method which allow you to do it once every month without spending big fortune. As you might know, one full day is required to coat an entire car; now, you can get everything done within 5 minutes. The instant hydrophobic coating or known as UniGard-i01 is able last up to 1 month or 5 washes.

It is perfect to use as quick maintenance or touch up for coating as well. Immediate hydrophobic effect can be surprisingly amazed during raining. It’s a concentrated form which can dilute with 1:9 for economical use or 1:5 for maximum hydrophobic effect.

So how does it work?

If you don’t have access to a wash bay, or the conditions are too frigid to wash outside, then this method works extremely well. Advancements the instant hydrophobic coating now allow you to wash your vehicle within the confines of your house(garage).

These UniGard i01 are super easy to use and help those who enjoy kicking up the gloss a notch on the weekends. Most sprays give added protection from UV, help with water spotting, and give a slick feel that lasts from 1 months. In the case of products such as UniGard i01, these products can even be applied as a stand-alone coating on a vehicle that isn’t glass coated, providing awesome lasting protection that is easy to install by anyone at home.

Application Method
Only 4 simple steps are needed to install the coating and you can get everything done within 5 minutes!

1. Shake well before use. 
2. Wash the car thoroughly.

3. Spray it onto car body and buff it evenly with wet microfiber cloth.

4. Wait for 10 secs and then rinse with water. The car body will now become extremely water repellent and             glossy.

Follow the directions on how to create your wash solution, as dilution ratios vary among brands, and you’re ready for washing.

Prepare 1 bottle Unigard i01 + empty bottle 
Dilute with 1:9

mix with tap water (100ml i01+400ml water)

Spray with UniGard i01

Buff with Microfiber Cloth

We have started fulfilling orders for these products, so contact us if you are interested for your application. 


Payment can be made through Maybank (Acc No. 5574 2905 6176)
Please contact me for enquiries or purchases!
Wechat/Whatsapp : +60174952260

Simplest Car Coating Process

Simplest Process to Installing TEVO Quartz Coating "Standard Level"
(only for new cars, polished cars or good conditions cars)

Car detailing be extremely expensive because of time consuming, professional skill, special equipment and the last but no least, the patience. Car detailer charges at high prices and almost differ among each other with various of reasons. It is hard to judge who has the best detailing skill out there. Let us assume if you are not professional car detailer but you are detailing your car with TEVO coating, we can guarantee that the application process and outcome will be much better than what you have anticipated. In this blog, you are able to find out how easy it is!
Environment for the coating process

  • Before proceeding to the installation, you are advised to prepare an environment which is suitable for the application if you are seeking for optimum performance.
  •  Indoor environment with no air circulation and room temperature of 25 Celsius is highly recommended.
  • Avoid from direct sunlight, hazy, and dusty area.
  •  Full angle lighting system and a portable spotlight is strongly recommended.

Tools and preparations

  • Bubble Max Shampoo(BMS), 
  • Body Scrub(BS), 
  • BodyGard-S36(S36)

  • Clay Cloth, 
  • 2 x Water sprayers, 
  • 2 x Car Washing Sponge, 
  • 4 x Microfiber Cloth(MC), 
  • 2 x Coating Sponge, 
  • 2 x Pail.

Inspections on the surfaces (For professional:Optional)

-Standard package only apply on good conditions car, brand new car, newly repainted car, and polished car.
-Inspect the surface if it has any swirl mark, dent, faded, scratch, watermark or any damages.
-Brief the car owner on the paint condition and let the him/her understand the expectation of the result.

Step 1: Surface preparations

Wash the car with Bubble Max Shampoo by using fine sponge
Proceed with claying process by using clay cloth while the surface is wet

Use a damp Microfiber Cloth to wipe off the shampoo

Step 2: Remover with BodyScrub

TEVO BodyScrub is an effective cleaning agent for car body which works like clay cloth. Grease, stain, and iron particle which is deeply adhered to the clear coat can be easily remove by using it. BodyScrub is best before the application of coating.  

You will be able to notice purple dots start to appear on the car body. This is happening because TEVO BodyScrub begins to dissolve the iron and dirt particle which already adhered into your clear coat. A smoother and cleaner surface will be ready after the cleaning process. Therefore, it shall lead to better bonding between the surface and coating.

Use coating sponge to apply BodyScrub on the painted surface before the surface dries up
After 1 minute, (before BodyScrub dries up) wipe off the BodyScrub with a damp Microfiber Cloth again. Lastlty, use a dry Microfiber Cloth to wipe the surface.

Step 3: Install BodyGard S36

TEVO Coating is so well known because of the easy application, excellent durability (up to 3 years) and high gloss. Apart from that, it can be applied by any car lover regardless of how skilful they are. TEVO BodyGard S36 is a perfect fit for amateur and professional applicator since the application is extremely easy.

Pour Body Gard S36 onto the coating sponge
Apply on the painted surface horizontally and then vertically.
Coat from one panel to another panel. Suggested sequence is front bonnet, roof top, rear bonnet and then side panels.

The buffing
Buff by panel with microfiber cloth 

After 20 minutes, follow the sequence of coated panel and start to buff it with no pressure at all. Car owner is advised to buff the 1st panel by the time they finished coating the third panel and so on.

*Please do take note the longer the waiting time before buffing time is, the better the performance of coated surface.

Your car will look great, and your wallet will thank you. 😊

Automobile inspections
  • Standard package only apply on good conditions car, brand new car, newly repainted car, and    polished car.
  • Inspect the surface if it has any swirl mark, dent, faded, scratch, watermark or any damages.
  • Brief the car owner on the paint condition and let the him/her understand the expectation of the result. Best to snap photos of before and after to make comparison.
Curing Advice
  • Keep automobile indoor, avoid touching or water contact for 24 hours
  • Advise owner direct drives back the car and park it under the shelter to prevent water/rain contact &  for 24 Hours
  • Do not wash the car within 5 days.
Maintenance Advice
  • Hand wash only with reputable automobile detergent.
  • Wash the coated car once in a week if possible.
  • Touch up the coating every 6 to 12 months.