Tuesday, 23 March 2021

TEVO G-Activ BuffCoat

 What is G-Activ BuffCoat?

Hey, do you ever hear about TEVO G-Activ BuffCoat?

No? Don’t worry, you will know it after reading this article.

Why TEVO invented BuffCoat?

TEVO invented BuffCoat to replace wax. 

Why we still need wax when we can use something like silica coating?

BuffCoat is a silicon hybrid (silicon admixture) based product and it dont have chemical reaction with environment, like we say "environment safe".

BuffCoat do provide deep gloss to your car just same as wax. BUT! Yes BUT!

BuffCoat can give the smoothness finishing to your car BUT wax cannot.
Waxes mostly are organic compounds from animal, plant, modified plant & animal, petroleum and etc. That's why their finishing result usually tend to be oily and shinny. If you like your car to be oily and shinny look, then wax is suitable for you. But please bear in mind that, wax will be melt and soften when reaching their melting point and if you wash car at this moment, the wax might be washed away.

 As you know, Malaysia only have 2 seasons sunny or raining, maybe cloudy, so yeah it wont last that long with such weather we have. It maybe be a hot sunny day at this moment but then suddenly turn into a cloudy raining day and this will cause the wax performance.

Besides that, the application method is super easy just spray and buff, no downtime nor tack free time. With such simplified application method, you can get the professional result. Awesome right? 

BuffCoat just need to be done in a single layer and it able to perform like actual silica coating for 6 to 8 months of durability. But for country like Malaysia the durability will be like 3 to 6 months only due to the weather and the habits or culture. Unlike Europe country have 4 seasons, Malaysia have only raining or sunny day. Furthermore, most of the Malaysian wash their car by weekly basis and this will cause the durability of the BuffCoat drop. Must take note ya.

On the other hand, BuffCoat is not only for you to use as wax replacement, it also suitable to use as coating maintenance. So detailers, if you are looking for coating brand that come with maintenance products line, TEVO is really suitable for you. At any time being if you feel to rejuvenate the coating or the car paint, it can be done easily.

I'm sure that you guys will wondering, 1 bottle 300ml BuffCoat can use for how many car?
The answer is DEPEND.
But if you talking about estimation, it will be 6 sedan size car. Who knows that maybe you can use up to 20 cars?

Now here is another question that some of the people might ask too. 
Can we use on freshly coated car?
The answer is NO NO NO NO!
It does not matter freshly coated or painted, both is not advisable to use it. Because the lacquer or the coating surface is not yet cure and not harden enough. If you apply BuffCoat on your freshly coated or painted car then you will spoil the purpose of coating or painting.
Hence, if freshly coated or painted car recommended to use BuffCoat after 1 month for best performance (minimum wait for 2 weeks).

Other than freshly coated or painted, there is another question that often people asked. 
Which is can I apply BuffCoat after apply SoftCoat?
If you don't know about SoftCoat, you may read the article "What is the different between BuffCoat and SoftCoat".
Well, I won't say no if you wanna do this. I guess the person who ask this question must be very rich or very love their car. That's why he/she willing to purchase 2 similar products for the car.
I will not say yes either but the answer is NOT RECOMMENDED.
Although SoftCoat and BuffCoat are the similar products but their ingredient are totally different. If you mixed them together might cause patches on your car surface.

Ok, finish talk about the BuffCoat but we missed out the most important part.
TEVO G-Activ BuffCoat available in what packaging?
BuffCoat only have in 300ml but it have Ala Carte and Set.
What is included in set?
It come with TEVO G-Cloth and also Glove.
In the other hand, ala carte only have bottle and solution of course.😂 

My sharing until here only, if you have any other question just drop your comment below or get one now and try it yourselves.😆😆😆